The City of Yuma is hosting the Battle of the Bands this September. Will you be auditioning or just singing along? Believe it or not, if you are having trouble getting used to your new dentures or new dental work, singing is one of the best ways to become comfortable with your new smile! Dentures may slip or “float’ in your mouth, especially when you first have them. If you have been living without your full complement of teeth, it may be a little difficult to pronounce certain words as easily as you used to. So, it may take some practice to get back in the swing of speaking.
Singing is one of the best ways to do that. We aren’t suggesting that you turn your life into a musical and sing everything that you normally say. But, when you are at home or in the car, you might try singing along with your favorite songs on the radio, or other music platform. Since the lyrics in songs are measured and metered, the rhythm makes it easier to pronounce them and helps you (and your mouth) used to speaking again with your new dentures, or dental work. You can also try speaking difficult words a bit more slowly for a while, or you can just practice saying them, but let’s face it, singing is a bit more fun!
Remember that your dentures and your dental work need to fit you well, and while your dental work should not be loose, it should not be tight, or causing you pain. And it should not keep you from eating, speaking or living your life. Dental work is meant to restore your quality of life, not limit it. At Robert J Land, DDS, we will be happy to see you if you are missing one or more teeth, and to make sure that you can enjoy all aspects of your life as you should. This includes providing you with dentures, crowns and implant-related restorations. We’re dedicated to making sure you are able to restore you smile, and that it feels natural and is easy to care for! And who knows, with all that singing, you might be Yuma’s next big star in September!
If you are ready for a new smile, or if your smile just needs some improvement, talk to our dentist in Yuma, Arizona. If you would like to make an appointment for dentures, another restoration, or routine dental care, call our office at 928-726-1700 today. We look forward to seeing your smile!